From time to time line faults do occur. Our objective is to deal with any such faults in the most efficient way possible and we aim to get you up and running as soon as can be, or at the very least provide you with a short term solution until your fault is resolved.
To report a fault please call 0844 811 7930* and state your account name, the telephone number you have a fault with and the nature of your fault. If the fault is on a line on which you have ‘Total Care’ (Care Level 3), the fault can be reported 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If the fault is on a line on which you do not have ‘Total Care’, you are still able to call this number and log the fault for the following day.
If your fault is intermittent, then along with all of the above you will need to provide a few examples of the fault, including the date and time of the call and the number dialled.
Once your fault has been logged, our aim is to be as pro-active as possible and we will provide you with updates on a regular basis, until the fault has been resolved
*In line with the new OFCOM regulations for calling 084/087/08 and 118 numbers, charges for calling our 0844 number are as follows: -
The service charge for calling this number is £0.0583 + VAT. The access charge is applied by the service provider, which will be made available by contacting them. If you are phoning this number from a Fluid maintained line, our service provider as added a further £0.05 +VAT.
For a more cost effective way of reporting a fault to Fluid please dial 0333 222 6651.